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  1. Get the travel number on the ANEMOS logo
  2. Enter your code  in the search bar 


What is the meaning ?

Anemos, meaning wind in ancient Greek, is the only transport label in the world that guarantees a decarbonized navigation thanks to sailboats , giving you the chance to ex perience the adventure the goods went on. You will find the label on all products transported by sail from all over the Atlantic, including Latin America, the Caribbean, the Azores or Cornwall.  

Why a label ?

TOWT is at the origin of this approach. At the beginning, our  objective was to give traditional ships a new life through their partnerships with working sailboats. 
Now, Anemos is developing into a renowned label, certifying transparent and carbon-free sailing.  

Why is sail cargo the answer ?

When respect for the planet is becoming an increasingly important concern, the label represents a real added value on the shipping market. ANEMOS highlights the environmental and societal impacts at the heart of maritime transport, to guarantee high quality service and a drastically reduced carbon footprint.  

How does it work ?

ANEMOS is a unique certification label that guarantees transparency and provides a marketing leverage for shippers.  

Consumers and producers are united through a dedicated and transparent transport system , thus enhancing the value of the origin, the terroir, but also the business.  

Dedicated trip number and carbon emissions reporting for each transported product.  

B ased on a rigorous legal framework  

"Jump on board": an immersive experience and navigation storytelling (GPS tracking, photos, video, weather, loading, navigation options,...)

Our sailing-cargo ships

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